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  • ,,The Life” strip-club in Porto(Carvalhos)

    Posted by Roxana on August 5, 2020 at 1:57 pm

    I dont recommend this place for nobody! Club doesnt have good constant customers,only some people comes there just for speaking for nothing.Systeme there is not for making money! The boss Bernardo( new one) is not very clever man (he doesnt knows something about this buisness,complete zero).But in the same time he always brokes your mind with strange advices.If danser want to make money its better to go to other clubs.Here is just lost time and waste energie.

    jbcspm replied 4 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • jbcspm

    August 5, 2020 at 1:59 pm

    The club had 2.000 clients during the December month. But not even a single client, a single one, gave Roxana a single cup of water! Imagine anything else.
    When everybody is getting a lot of money, minus one, we don’t think the problem is with the club.
    Roxana argued with the owner of one other club near, and we were asked to give her an oportunity. We gave.
    With us she argued constantlly with collegues, even roomates and argued with the lady that cleans the apartment.

    Not too much time we were asked by collegues that Roxana behaviour was unapropriate with them. And we dismissed her. For first time ever.
    It is not correct to write here a bad review, and not telling the facts.
    About the money hearning. The club is very well known, is a classic and a modell in the Europe. Very constant rewarding, paying always in time. Since is in Portugal, and is a Clean club is very fine for a honest work.

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