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i was there a few weeks ago to check it out, dont bother its a disaster
Ja razmisljam o ne bi sama da idem.
U beverly hilsu kad sam ja bila bilo je 21 djevojka.dnevnica je ja mislim 30-40 ali to je klub koji je vise stvar brenda da tako kazem.i menadzerica mi nije bila bas ok.ti probaj al ja sam radila u becu male dnevnice
i would love to know more about a good clubs to dance (january,february), I just got invited in Vienna Beverly Hills but money looks too low…
hi diamond
try crystal show club in helsinki ! i been there avarage earning was 1000-1500€ and is very clean and famouse club , manager invited me in january to ,told me all january month is exibitions season xxx
yes ! was my best club experienc cause most i earned in europe countries
I worked for a long time without an agency and I realized that there are few orders and everything is very sad in fact, for this I have only been working with proven ones for more than a year now.
- is not a good agency, they discriminate ,after joining them they asked me for pictures, i did send them without any reply, they choose any skinny girls, i though they where understanding but i was wrong [img][/img]
- is not a good agency, they discriminate ,after joining them they asked me for pictures, i did send them without any reply, they choose any skinny girls, i though they where understanding but i was wrong [img][/img]