Exotic Dancer Jobs in International Clubs
These last years Exotic Dancer jobs are getting more popular for many reasons. Some choose this profession for extra income, while others take on stripping as a full time job. For an outsider it might look like an easy job, but if you really want to do well in this proffesion. It requires many different talents and skills.
Exotic Dancer jobs has never been a mainstream way of making money and there is no collage or university that teaches you in this. For those who choose it, its often a long and well thought through decision behind this choice. Many of the dancers that has had this as their profession can look back on a successful career. Where they have been able to choose when and where they wanted to work. They have also been able to bring in a steady an very good income that exceeds the average income multiple times. Especially when you compare to the education level needed.
Now we see a whole new generation of young women that are choosing to work as exotic dancers, for many reasons:
- Stripping is a great way to generate excellent extra income when you are studying, for example. The hours you put in compared to the money you make can compete with most ‘ordinary’ jobs.
- Working as an exotic dancer can provide great earnings, and you can have fun at the same time. Its a job that can bring you extra income for investments in property etc.
- Exotic Dancer jobs are international. Travel the world as a stripper! With so many clubs internationally you can get a job pretty much everywhere.
- In the exotic dancer profession you will learn about sales and you learn so much about yourself and other people (especially men) You will get a lot of attention and the satisfaction that goes with that.
In the exotic dancer profession you will learn about sales and you learn so much about yourself and other people (especially men) You will get a lot of attention and the satisfaction that goes with that.
Many exotic dancers find their own reasons for following this profession, its a lifestyle that’s definitely not nine-to-five.
Freedom in your schedule is one of the things that make this job so appealing. As a self-employed stripper, you can choose when to work and when to take off. You can work hard in the December`s Christmas season, then go on holiday in January when many clubs are quiet. This is one of the benefits you get from Exotic Dancer Jobs. The income you can get from this job will always depend on how talented and good you are. It is one thing to make a good stage show, but this is the easy part.
The most important part is to be a good seller, because thats where the money comes from.
Some have this instinct naturally, others need to learn and practice it. What you sell is your companionship and performance. You need to give out positive energy in this job. That is what customers want to experience. This is what makes them want to stay with you and spend their money on you. Learning this can take time, but if you really put hard work and effort into it. You can be a top seller with a yearly income that most others can just dream about.
Working as an Exotic Dancer requires special skills. You need to understand what these are and adapt to them as fast as possible.
You will meet so many different customers and the easier you find it to adjust to various people, the faster you can start to make your money. The customer needs to enjoy your company. Thats when they open their wallet. Many dancers also get regular customers and this you can keep for years. A regular customer can be coming back and back to see and be with hes favourite girl.
You also need professional exotic dancer clothes for this job like, fantasy costumes, dresses, lingerie and high heel shoes. These things are your normal working uniform in the club. Always invest in a good wardrobe for your job. It will pay you back when you stand out from the rest and look like a million dollar. The more glamorous and exclusive you can look, the more natural it will be for the customer to spend money on you.
Becoming a feature dancer is a new level to take your exotic dancer job to.
Being a feature dancer is a way where you can advance in this profession, it requires that you bring your shows and costumes up to a much more theatrical level. Many clubs will book in well known feature dancers as the main attraction in the club, this is very popular especially in the US. Here you will find many contests and awards for feature dancers. The biggest and most popular is the ED publications Gentlemens club Expo. Wich are held every year and where they give awards to the entertainer of the year. This is the biggest achievement you can get and will give you great exposure and guaranteed bookings in many clubs around the country.
Being a feature dancer is a way where you can advance in this profession, it requires that you bring your shows and costumes up to a much more theatrical level.
Exotic Dancer jobs can also be hard, so don’t dive into this thinking it is an easy way of making money.
You need to have thick skin and be able to act professionally under stressful conditions, such as dealing with challenging customers. When you work the long hours in the night it becomes a challenge to follow up on all the things that needs to be done in the daytime. Especially if you have a family to look after, this requires good planning and discipline. Its important to stay away from alcohol when you are working, dont get into bad habits of drinking when you are finished your work shift. If your club sells alcohol, try to avoid drinking any. You will also be working with many other thick-skinned girls and the competition can be fierce between you. Do your research and understand what this job is about.
Good Luck!