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  • Selling the champagne

    Posted by Julia on October 27, 2021 at 10:10 am

    Ok, I just started but I’m a little bit stuck with a champagne system here. I would like to hear any tips of how to make the guy to buy you the drink because that’s what makes real money here. I’m not the best but definitely the good dancer because I can actually do pole tricks while other girls just walking around, my English level is better than the other girls here. But I’m really stuck. It seems so unusual for to ask for a drink which cost starts at 470 euros. I know I have got some confidence issues and I think that’s one of the reasons. Also is is better for you to work with a dancer partner or solo? Because I met a girl here but it feels like I’m the only one who’s actually go first all the time and makes an effort to start the conversation/meeting/greeting stuff with a guys and all she does is just following me and makes no efforts at all.

    Also, how long do you stay with a guy till asking for a drink?

    What is the conversation strategy that makes them spend money?

    How to behave? Flirting? Being funny? Being yourself? And so on …

    Anyway even small advice means world to me right now.

    • This discussion was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  Julia.
    Betty replied 11 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Striprecruit

    October 29, 2021 at 5:21 pm

    Hi Julia,

    The secret to the Champagne system is adjust your own personality to fit your desired audience. When guys are buying Champagne, they aren’t buying your dance skills, nor even the alcohol, they are buying your time! If you approach every sale with this thought process, it will make a huge difference to how you present yourself and how you are perceived.

    Advising you on specific things to say is difficult as we don’t know your personality. Anything you say has to be something you can stand behind, otherwise it comes across stilted and false. An immediate turn off. Work with what YOU are comfortable with and the confidence will shine through. That is what customers find appealing and keep their interest.

    Hope this helps!

  • Julia

    November 1, 2021 at 8:57 am

    Thank you!!

    It is also a dead season now so it’s too difficult for a new girl to talk to people because all the experienced dancers are more faster and have that stripper confidence and I do really struggling with low self esteem. I think my problem is a lack of confidence and I should work on it as you said because most of the time I talk for free and people don’t buy anything. I’ve been lucky selling the lap dances lately, but I feel the pressure of the management because I don’t sell any champagne and when I ask to buy something after having a good short conversation they tend to complain that everything is too expensive here and they can’t afford it.

    Also I really missed some of good clients because I made a friend here and this girl is too shy to go and talk to the customers and while she prepares herself to stand up and go all the good new customers are taken already by the other girls. It’s kind of very toxic friendship than also affects my money.

    thanks you again for the help, I will try to change my mindset ❤️

  • Betty

    August 17, 2023 at 12:19 pm

    You have to judge the guy by what he looks like and see what you think he would like to talk about by his appearance. I have done similar work to this and it’s a knack you pick up quite quickly, but I always start off by asking them do they like my dress for obvious reasons, they look at my body and legs.

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