How To Create The Best Strip Show Performance
Although the list is long and probably far more than you have previously considered, do not just rush through the list and agree. Consider and contemplate each one with serious thought. Pick the two or three that you feel need the most attention and immediately apply them the next time you are in your club doing your strip show. After mastering those, pick more and work on them.
What if you had the power to arouse feelings with your eyes alone? There exists a secret of arousing with magnetic eyes. Professional dancers understood that by gazing directly into the point between a man´s eyes, a sense of intimacy develops. We all had wide eyes in early childhood, and when we wanted something they become so enormous that it was difficult to refuse. Since then many of us have closed our lids defensively; it follows that if we can be persuaded to relax our eyes, we are likely to become more open, vulnerable, and uninhabited, and to arouse protective feeling in other people.
Make eye contact with members of the audience while you dance your strip show seductively on stage; choose your customers, those who are looking at you the most. Browse around the room and make eye contacts with big spenders when you are on stage, you will make them quiver.
You will stand apart from the dull dancers (Wanna dance type) who choose to stay in their own bubble and forget they are even on stage when they do there strip show. Customers will notice your ability to dance and ensure you paint a picture with variety of colors in front of them. Remember don´t over do it! Exotic dancing is like painting, one stroke too many can destroy a painting! Your Eyes can reveal a great deal of information without you realizing it. The Victorians used to say that the eyes were the mirror of your soul.
I have come across many dancers while dancing the strip show thinking about what to cook for dinner or shopping.
I recently pointed it out to an exotic dancer and she was shocked how I knew…… have you ever done that? What was the reaction of your customer? Did he say no more dance ………I wonder why? You´re drawn inward, to your own thoughts and interior monologue. It´s a habit to break. You have to really make an effort in the beginning.
One trick is to clear your mind and focus on the feeling you get from dancing without thinking, stay in the moment. SEXY VOICE Second to the eyes, the voice is a powerful tool of enticement. With your voice, you can easily channel the mood of a man into the direction you want. Always have a direction in mind when you communicating to your customers, you want them to buy lots of dances in minimal time. I always get my clients to whisper, this is the secret that will allow you to create intense feelings of attraction.
For the moment, say the word ‘ No ‘in a natural tone. Take note of how it sounds. Say the word ‘ No ‘ again , this time angrily, as though some one pissed you off.
Be aware of the shift in vocal quality. I want you to say it again this time breath high into the chest or life the shoulder and say ‘ no ‘ . We might hear the word, but how does it sound or feel? Weak or uncommitted. Right? Now take the breath low into the body and say ‘ no ‘ you should feel differently about the word and perhaps feel more connection. That´s it! Surprised? You have just discovered the power of vocal inflections.
When you want to create intimacy, simply lean close and conduct your conversations in this seductive manner. Wispier the words “more dances?” Slowly and project it from the back of your throat or from the pit of the stomach. The words “more dances?” Suddenly sounds sexy. For those wishing to deepen the tonality and quality of your voice, practice the following exercise: Warm up your voice while driving to your club or the shower is a good place for this, since there is warm moist air to work with.
Hum for 15 minutes then processed taking normally. Delightfully observe how the resonance and sensuality of your voice dramatically improved. Each syllable will vibrate at a low level and attract the customer in your web when you whisper your alluring phrases to. This is the secret of stage actors they have used for many years to create fullness to their vocal quality.
Videotape yourself dancing your stage show.
One way to assess your performance and to get an idea of what customers are getting from your performance is by taking pictures of yourself in the mirror or video tape yourself to a favorite song, studying your face, your legs, your body, your dance rhythm from every angle. This gives you ability to mould your way of dancing A strip show, transforming your appearance for effect. You will learn from the study how to dance in the way that would most excite a man to the point that every customer who met you, or who watched you on the stage, fantasies endlessly about you in their daily life. Enjoy the advantages of being a stripper.
That´s why you get some customers to go back to the club to see you for more, more, more and more. Imagine what is like to be them, to feel their thoughts and desires, etc. As an artist, I find the process of getting inside another person´s brain is immensely satisfying.
I would like you to write down in your Journal (see details in previous posts) as many questions as possible. Here are few questions to get you started: What am I good at? Where can I improve my performance? How can I make my total package more effective (cloths, style, hair, etc)? Does the audience respond to you? Can you see any habits or quirks in your videotaped performance? (For fun, play the tape at fast speed…any quirky motions will become really obvious…be prepared to laugh at yourself!).
Finally, Review your list of questions, choose the ten that need most attention. After that rank them in importance from one to ten. Have fun and don´t get frustrated! GAINING CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM Record some of your practice session and performances so that you can watch them on video tape afterwards, and assess them as if you were an audience member as we discussed above.
Ask professionals dancers or an expert to evaluate you. Respect their feedback about your live performances so that you are getting someone else´s perspective on your performance. You can also brief them to look out for a particular aspect of your performance which you feel is suspect. I have a list of over 200 items on my check list; this is perfect way to help you assess how you are progressing. Dont forget how your stripper shoes and outfits looks.
The most important part of learning is being able to take constructive criticism.
Any exotic dancer who is completely honest knows that there is always room for improvement in every area. She is willing to put in the work, and make the necessary sacrifices for her art. Accept the compliments, criticism, and suggestions and thank them at the end for helping you to step towards becoming notorious through out the club or the dancing community!
There is an old saying says seek advice – NOT opinion and be sure to know the difference!
You are many steps ahead of everyone else in the game. You are such a person or you wouldn´t be reading this article. You are destined for greatness.