Your Stage Performance Is Your Advertisement for Private Dances
Your stage performance is your advertisement for private dances. Sadly, most strippers don´t put too much effort into this, they look bored, tired and uninterested..
While dancing seductively on stage, choose your customers, those who are looking at you the most. Browse around the room and make eye contacts with big spenders when you are on stage.
You need to work out how many dances you have to perform per hour in 6 hours shift to reach your exact amount of money you wrote down in your journal. Remember time management is crucial, don´t waste your time with guys who promises to buy some dances and four hours later he still not spending a penny. There are some customers who will do nothing but waste your time.
Customers, who will flash their money, yet never spend it. If a customer wants to engage you in lengthy conversation.
A sense of humour comes in handy, let him know that you are busy working and not there to make friends. Make sure he gets the message that he needs to buy some dances in order to get more time with you.
On the other hand, some customers are an absolute pleasure to be with, they visit on a regular basis, best of all they are loads of fun to talk to and almost feel guilty taking their money, they are so nice it almost seems like you should be paying them!. Take care of these types; individual customers have a very different needs and expectations.
It´s about meeting and exceeding customer expectations. If he is a regular treat him well – but never give what exactly he wants. That doesn´t mean give them what they want. Actually the opposite – never give a customer exactly what he wants – if you do he will lose interest, keep him hungry.
At the end of song, step off the stage and approach the big spender you have targeted while you were on stage
At the end of song, step off the stage and approach the big spender you have targeted while you were on stage. Never ever, go straight to the bar after your stage performance, talking to the other dancers about reality TV or your uncle Bob. You should be either on stage, dancing for a big spender or moving to another customer. If you are just standing around at the bar and chatting to other dancers.
They will assume you are not a great dancer or worse you are not busy and doing nothing. That´s when they start playing games with you or engage you with lengthy conversation because you are not doing anything anyway and they doing you a favour to be taking to you. Learn how to create the best Show performance.
The key to be a Better Stripper here is too look busy all the time and few are drawn to the dancer whom others avoid or look not doing anything.
The key to be a Better Stripper here is too look busy all the time and few are drawn to the dancer whom others avoid or look not doing anything. Manufacture the illusion of popularity among dancers and customers that simulate rivalry and raise your value. Your customers thinking there must be a reason, and begging to grab your attention and buy lots of dances.
Careful exploitation of dull dancers will enhance your desirability significantly – make sure “Wanna Dance” types or dull dancers to annoy shit out of the big spender first then you come to rescue and your target will be delighted to spend all their money on you.
We all have the same nerve system; we are all influenced greatly by desire and taste of other people. We are all guilty of this in some form, we all have deep ugly friends or a dull friend to make us look better am I right?
The key to standing out from the rest of dancers is to place a high value on your self. If you don´t place a value on yourself, some one else will. Keep yourself busy with customers and have fun, the more unattainable, out of reach – you become more desirable, every one is after it. An object like gold is hard to attain and is more prized. Simply, the scarcer something is the greater value people place on it.
A customer comes in for many reasons. It could be just he hates his ordinary life, loneliness, horniness, too rich etc.
A customer comes in for many reasons. It could be just he hates his ordinary life, loneliness, horniness, too rich etc. Keep your ears wide open, listen for clues. Within a few seconds you will figure out why he is there and how much money is he going to spend that night. Once you have connected he will be delighted to spend all his money on you.
Be creative, one of my clients use this technique; She would say her shoes are too tight and been killing her all day – by redirecting their focus to her sexy legs. Be seductive, have fun with it. Avoid talking about your personal problems. You can seduce customers with fascinating stories about yourself. Be creative, be seductive, please remember that this is fantasy you selling them.
All it takes is creativity and some knowledge to become the best dancer in your club. Brainstorm and write down in your journal all behaviour of other dancers that irritate customers that you should avoid. Start by defining the dancer from hell. What qualities would they have? What´s entertaining and what´s boring? What would they sound like? “Wanna Dance?”
What if you had the power to arouse with your eyes? Your vocal tone to reflect the emotion you desire into the direction you want. Enjoy the process and have a seductive face. You have 80 muscles in your face. For most dancers this is the greatest area of the unemployment in the country.
How much more can your earn? How much more can you expand? This is one of the critical areas of you life and you deserve to master.
How much more can your earn? How much more can you expand? This is one of the critical areas of you life and you deserve to master. I would be happy to hear from you and share with my latest ideas and insights on subjects and help you to gain the competitive advantage.
At the end of each night, I strongly recommend you sit down and review your strategies to monitor your progress and make necessary changes if needed – you only need 5 minutes a night to be a Better Stripper!
Will you create a masterpiece of your life or will you interpret life through the paintings of others? Are you going to step up or stand in the shadows? You clearly have the choice.